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Nam K Kim

Author : One believing Theory





duluth GA USA

Publish :

One Beilieving Theory

"One Believing Theory"

Physics Synopsis: We (Matter) move at the speed of light but are decelerating which causes changes in time, space, and mass. "Therefore, the universe is expanding at an accelerated velocity."
"Everything (all matters) is moving and rotating.
As long as gravity is present.
There is no stationary matter in space.
Earth orbits the sun, while the solar system orbits in the galaxy.
Groups of galaxies rotate, galaxy clusters rotate, supercluster rotates, sheet of galaxies rotates and the universe rotates."
Nothing is in a suspended state.
Time accelerates, space expands, and mass decreases.

M = E/C^2

Deceleration is the cause of;

Everything must decrease its mass. This clarifies the concept of matter having a half-life and unstable atoms.


When a particle stops moving, it loses its mass and changes in energy. This happens instantly to the particle, but we see permanent and infinite expansion in space because its time is stopped and its space expands infinitely.

Also, it explains the “Heisenberg uncertainty principle” for particles and waves.

A century of challenges in the field of physics.

We see the change of particles to energy for an infinity of time.

Universe rotates;

In general, science and physics assert that the universe is finite.
If, then, the universe must move.
No matter can stop moving in space.

If it loses its mass to zero.

Every matter in space is spinning and rotating because gravity exists as long as mass exists. It is expected that the finite universe is spinning.

Uniform velocity;

If things move consistently, the mass must remain unchanged. There should be no changes in the universe; it should remain unchanged.

Decelerate velocity;

This is the cause of the living universe.


The past time was slower than the present time.
The past mass was bigger than the present.
The past space was smaller than the present.
It gives the fundamental cause of the living universe.
Rest mess = 0


Double slit paradox

Time applies differently between the observer and the photon.
The time of an observer is slower than that of a photon because the observer is moving at the speed of light.

Nam K kim

CEO,Skytrack Tech inc
CEO, Artificial Consciousness Tech Inc


Note from nam kim

Einstein denied the theory of expanding the universe.

He believed in a static universe.


Despite his theory stating that matter equals energy and mass is linked to movement, he was still incapable of explaining why matter exists in a static condition.  (Rest mass)


In general,

Scientists explain that when the universe expends, we (matter) are not moving; only space is moving or expanding.

(Dots on the balloon?)


It is a very awkward and strange phenomenon that is asking us to believe.


Einstein's special theory of relativity can now be used to explain it.


“When speed decreases, time goes faster and space gets bigger.“


The relationships between time, space, and movement.


We cannot observe the slowing down of the speed of light in the present because when matter moves in deceleration, time goes faster.

But we may be able to observe that the speed of light in past times was faster than in present times.


We are present because we are moving!

Rephrase with Ginger (Cmd+⌥+E)

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